Thursday, May 10, 2012

Poetry Day

Today is the last formal day of classes, and Dr. Reed had us bring in poems that we liked, either from other poets or ones we wrote ourselves to share for Poetry Day. I really enjoyed getting the chance to share poetry with people, particularly if it's my own work, since I'm always open for criticism on my own works. There were some really wonderful poems that were read, especially the first Shel Silverstine poem. I loved how universally relatable it was and it's so true that when the light is turned out, everyone is essentially the same and we shouldn't be ashamed of our differences or try to demean others for theirs either. I also really loved the Johnny Cash/Nine Inch Nails lyrics that Patrick shared, because I love country music and even though I've heard many references to "Hurt" I never had the chance to listen to it, so I fired up my spotify account after class (yep, me trying to keep up with the trends lol) and searched for the song, and I swear it was freaking BEAUTIFUL. Every part of the lyrics were so haunting, and there's no other words for it either, it was just haunting.

Since Jordan and I are in the same creative writing class, I have to say I'm a bit biased towards her work over anyone else's because her poem about the rose tattoo was so like Hirshfield's in her choice of language. Although I loved her rose poem, I enjoyed her darker poems much more because the language is more gritty and that makes it more real in a way. It is true what she said about our class writing really morbid pieces, especially for our dramatic monologue unit.

I have thoroughly enjoyed this class and loved going to class with all of you guys. Good luck with everything, hope to see you around in the future. Good luck on finals :)

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